Microsoft Azure Websites Python Visual Studio

Using Django, Python, and MySQL on Windows Azure Web Sites: Creating a Blog Application

Learn to develop Python Web Applications using Visual Studio for Windows Azure Websites

Azure Microsoft Azure Websites Python

Bottle Python Framework now on Windows Azure Websites

Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python.  This tutorial shows you how to create a website on Azure for Bottle Framework in just a few clicks.  You require a Windows Azure account to begin.Once you are logged into the Management portal, you will need to create a new site “from gallery” as shown […]

Azure Microsoft Azure Websites Python

Cool features in PTVS 2.0 RC

Check out this video about Python Tools for VS with all the new features . Read more here Virtual environment Mixed Python ,C,C++ debuggig Easy deployment to Windows Azure Websites

Azure Python

Django with Visual Studio

Want to run Django on Windows environment ! Check out this tutorial to run django using python tools for visual studio :

Azure Python

Using Virtual environment to build your python application for Azure

Python stack on Windows Azure is bare bones  and may not include all the libraries that your application may require. The best way to build your application for Azure is setting up a virtual environment for your application that you can deploy to Windows Azure website . Here is what you need to do to […]